Sunday, November 28, 2010

joan dear

If I were Joan Didion,
I would construct
rectangular thoughts
of substance and story.

I would smooth over my eyes
large black sunglasses
type obstinately at prose
tidily fit five feet tall
between hard covers.

Bravely, I would create
the heat and draft of sorrow
and macrobiotic birthings
in nouns, verbs, commas,

I would disappear beneath
the skin of strangers
tape lives like collagework
in straight and long lines.
Sure I'd swing my arm up,
but I would never slouch.

If I were Joan Didion
I'd be a paragraph
blink blankly at the thrown
together notion of the stanza
skirt the issue altogether
return to my following chapter.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful. It makes me want to read her work. I love your words.
