Tuesday, March 31, 2009

pigeon shoot take one

as soon as jacob got the 'go ahead,' he went:
steadying his aim on the barn's beam, raising
the gun, bringing down one of the many pigeons
that roost up in the eves, 
over our tractors,
over our tools. 

if i were alone with a pigeon that just
fell, single gems of blood which clumped
and beaded in the dust of the ground,
i would have spread out its wings 
in desperation and naivety, smoothed
and soothed its neck feathers, and placed
the bird somewhere in tall grass, to be 
found later by sankanac's cats, by tamed tigers.

rather, i wiped my nose and witnessed others
spring into action, elbows, forming Vs with
nails on chunks of raised wood, finding axe,
finding the head between two fingers,
finding a bag and the freezer, finding everything
ruffled, rumpled, nothing smooth, only finished.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, really getting into the animal slaughter party mood there! But seriously, I woke up this morning, thinking that Alice is a poet. And here I find that it is true.
